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New Feature: Two factor authentication (2FA)

Written by
Sam Simpson
Last updated
15th November 2021

Irrespective of your role (founder / investor / shareholder / advisor) 2FA allows you to add another layer of security to your FounderCatalyst account on top of the traditional username/password combination.

When you enable 2FA, you then use an authenticator application on your phone (such as Google Authenticator which is available on iOS and Google Android based platforms). The authenticator application produces a 6 digit code that you enter in addition to you username and password. This ensures that someone logging into you account not only knows your username and password but is also in possession of your phone - and has the ability to unlock the phone, hopefully using biometrics.

To enable 2FA, log into your account as normal. Click on your name at the bottom left of the screen and choose My Account Settings. Click on Security and there is an option to switch 2FA on. When you do, you are presented with:

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You should load your authenticator app on your phone and scan the QR code and you are presented with a number of backup codes - you should save these somewhere just in case.

Now, if you log out and back in again, when you enter your email address the system will identify that you have 2FA enabled and present you with an additional text input item as per the following screenshot:

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To login, load your authenticator application on your phone and enter the code detailed alongside FounderCatalyst within the application.

And that's it - your FounderCatalyst account now has enhanced security.

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