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Help on your funding journey

FounderCatalyst Knowledge Base

Welcome to your comprehensive guide for managing your account and company details. This Knowledge Base will walk you through various tasks, from resetting your password to updating company and personal information....

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A forecasting model is a tool that businesses use to predict outcomes for things like sales, supply and demand, and consumer behaviour. The models can be especially useful in sales and marketing and can help businesses identify how they might perform in different future situations....

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As a shortcut to reviewing changes between documents:...

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The following roles are available to add to FounderCatalyst:...

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While you're running a funding round with FounderCatalyst, we help you promote your round to potential investors using our free Boost feature....

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Try us for free with no commitment

You can start a funding round in minutes with a free FounderCatalyst account, experiment with our service and see how easy it would be to save time, money, and emotional resources by using FounderCatalyst when raising your next funding round.

You can see a sample of the paperwork we'd generate, invite colleagues to act as investors, and truly experiment with how easy we make it. Then cancel the experiment round when you're ready to start a real one!

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