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PRESS RELEASE: New free resources for founders

Written by
Sam Simpson
Last updated
31st July 2022

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Today, 1st August 2022, start-up funding round legal platform FounderCatalyst is announcing the launch of a new set of materials available to early-stage founders to help create time and cost efficiencies in the process of securing funding.

The resources, which include term sheets and forecast models are designed to respond to the wide range of materials founders need to secure funding but can cost large amounts of time and money to create.

As economic instability continues, many raises are being delayed and process costs are increasing, founders will be looking to reduce and defer costs. So, while all other companies charge for access to such resources, FounderCatalyst is making them free to access in a bid to further their mission to democratise access to early-stage equity funding, and help them go further with less

Sam Simpson, CEO at FounderCatalyst and angel investor said:

Our goal has always been to make the process of getting funding easier and more cost effective for founders. As a founder myself, I know how tough it can be, and since exiting my last business I have made it my mission to ease access to early stage legals. Providing a growing collection of tools, templates and resources offered to free to early-stage founders is just one more way that we’re making it easier for founders to get the help and advice they need on the investment journey.

The documents available include:

FounderCatalyst is the only cost effective and fixed price way of undertaking a funding round, with no monthly fees, hidden costs or % of money raised. Our mission is to be the trusted legal platform of choice, creating all the necessary funding legal paperwork quickly and professionally, at a fixed price of £1,495 (excluding VAT) irrespective of how much you are raising.

You can find the new resources at www.foundercatalyst.com/free-stuff.

Notes to Editors:

To discuss the FounderCatalyst service in more detail please contact Sam Simpson at sam@foundercatalyst.com

About FounderCatalyst:

FounderCatalyst was created by a team of successful entrepreneurs, angel investors and lawyers to simplify and accelerate the early-stage investment legal journey.

FounderCatalyst was borne out of a desire to help founders, investors, advisors and funds with the legal stage of the funding raising journey.

Our mission is to be the trusted legal platform of choice, creating all the necessary funding legal paperwork quickly and professionally, at a fixed low price. To simplify and manage the funding process, raising everyone’s chances of success.

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