- Cap Table
A cap table, or "capitalisation table", is a spreadsheet or table for a start-up company that details who owns what shares or other equity interest in the business.
- Casting Vote
A casting vote to break a tied voting situation. For example, if there is deadlock within the Board of Directors.
- Chairman
A chairman is a person who's in charge of a meeting, body, committee, etc. For example, their will usually be a chairperson on a company's Board of Directors.
- Companies House
Companies House maintains and stores the official register of all UK corporate entities, including limited companies and limited liability partnerships. As a Government body, it can dissolve and incorporate companies.
- Conflict of interest
A set of circumstances that creates a risk that an individual's ability to apply judgement or act in one role is, or could be, impaired or influenced by a secondary interest.
- Consideration
A legal concept referring to the requirement for reciprocity of commitment between parties to ensure an agreement is legally binding.
- Counterpart
A legal concept referring to a document with two or more parties that is signed separately by the parties, rather than everyone signing the same piece of paper.
- Covenant
A covenant is usually a formal, legally binding agreement between two or more people.
- Crowdfunding
Crowdfunding is raising money from many people, usually via the internet.