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ICO a.k.a. Initial Coin Offering
A company seeking to raise money to create a new coin, app, or service can launch an ICO as a way to raise funds. An ICO is a 'novel' form of investment and not compatible with SEIS/EIS.
Impact Investing
Impact investing is investing in an entity aiming to create specific social or environmental benefits whilst getting funds in return.
The process of registering a new limited company.
An organisation that helps start-ups and entrepreneurs by giving support, resources and networks that they otherwise couldn't easily access. Typically, they help startup companies and individual entrepreneurs develop their business by providing a range of services, including management training, office space and sometimes venture capital financing. See also: Accelerator Venture Builder
A legal basis for compensation of loss that provides investors with a higher degree of recoverability.
Information Commissioner's Office
Information Commissioner's Office, or "ICO", is the UK's independent public body to uphold peoples' information rights.
Information Rights
Information Rights are rights of shareholders, usually investors, to receive information relating to the business.
Initial Coin Offering a.k.a. ICO
A company seeking to raise money to create a new coin, app, or service can launch an ICO as a way to raise funds. An ICO is a 'novel' form of investment and not compatible with SEIS/EIS.
Initial Public Offering a.k.a. IPO
Initial Public Offering, or IPO, is when a company first offers to sell shares to the public on a regulated investment exchange, such as the Alternative Investment Market (or "AIM").
Institutional Investor
An Institutional Investor is a business or body investing on members' or clients' behalf.
Intellectual Property a.k.a. IP
IP, Intellectual Property, is something created by the mind. For example, this could be a story, physical invention, art, or design. These are legally protected and owned by a business. Intellectual Property or IP can be protected via a number of methods, including patents, registered designs, copyright and patents.
Intellectual Property Assignment a.k.a. IP Assignment
An Intellectual Property ("IP") Assignment is when someone legally transfers ownership of something created by the mind to someone else. We've got a great article detailing all of the documents produced by FounderCatalyst as part of a funding round.
Investment Round
An investment round lets a startup or growing company trade ownership/equity for investments from investors.
An investor is a person, organisation or other entity that commits money to another organisation or person, hoping to make a profit.
Investor Director
An Investor Director is a director of a company chosen by the investors to represent their interests on the Board of Directors. See also: Investor Investor consent rights
IP a.k.a. Intellectual Property
IP, Intellectual Property, is something created by the mind. For example, this could be a story, physical invention, art, or design. These are legally protected and owned by a business. Intellectual Property or IP can be protected via a number of methods, including patents, registered designs, copyright and patents.
IP Assignment a.k.a. Intellectual Property Assignment
An Intellectual Property ("IP") Assignment is when someone legally transfers ownership of something created by the mind to someone else. We've got a great article detailing all of the documents produced by FounderCatalyst as part of a funding round.
IPO a.k.a. Initial Public Offering
Initial Public Offering, or IPO, is when a company first offers to sell shares to the public on a regulated investment exchange, such as the Alternative Investment Market (or "AIM").

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