- Impact Investing
Impact investing is investing in an entity aiming to create specific social or environmental benefits whilst getting funds in return.
- Incorporate
The process of registering a new limited company.
- Indemnify
A legal basis for compensation of loss that provides investors with a higher degree of recoverability.
- Information Commissioner's Office
Information Commissioner's Office, or "ICO", is the UK's independent public body to uphold peoples' information rights.
- Information Rights
Information Rights are rights of shareholders, usually investors, to receive information relating to the business.
- Institutional Investor
An Institutional Investor is a business or body investing on members' or clients' behalf.
- Investment Round
An investment round lets a startup or growing company trade ownership/equity for investments from investors.
- Investor
An investor is a person, organisation or other entity that commits money to another organisation or person, hoping to make a profit.
- Investor consent rights
The rights of an investor or investors to prevent the company from taking (or agreeing to) certain actions without their consent.