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High Net Worth Individual a.k.a. HNWIndividual
HNW Individual, a high-net-worth individual, has an annual income in excess of £100K, or net assets in excess of £250K beyond pension fund assets and private residence value.
His Majesty's Revenue and Customs a.k.a. HMRC
His Majesty's Revenue and Customs, or HMRC, is the UK body responsible for collecting, administering and enforcing taxes.
HMRC a.k.a. His Majesty's Revenue and Customs
His Majesty's Revenue and Customs, or HMRC, is the UK body responsible for collecting, administering and enforcing taxes.
HNWIndividual a.k.a. High Net Worth Individual
HNW Individual, a high-net-worth individual, has an annual income in excess of £100K, or net assets in excess of £250K beyond pension fund assets and private residence value.
Hockey Stick
Hockey stick data in a graph showing sharp growth after a long time plateauing. The name comes from the hockey stick shape.
Hypergrowth is a fast expansion phase experienced by some companies when scaling.

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